Below are Green Planet Livings most commonly asked questions, If you have a question about our seed paper or products that's not answered below then head to our contact page and pop us an email!

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Types of paper

We currently use 3 different types of paper.

Wildflower seed paper

Poppy seed paper

Grass paper

Our Wildflower seed paper is our most used paper. It's hand made in the UK and contains a native wildflower meadow seed mix.

We have recently brought in a new seed paper which is also made in the UK and contains just poppy seeds.

Our final paper is our grass paper, this is made from a mix of meadow hay and traditional wood pulp. It's a beautiful natural paper which actually smells of freshly cut hay!

We currently only have a small handful of products made using our poppy seed and meadow hay paper, we are hoping to gradually expand the ranges in time.

How quickly should I plant the seed paper?

As with all seeds the longer you leave them unplanted the less chance you have of the seeds germinating!

We recommend you plant the seed paper within a year of receiving it. This should give you maximum germination rate.

We recommend storing your paper in a cool dry place as heat and humidity can affect germination as well.

How do I plant my seed paper

For best results please plant in the spring.

Its very easy to grow simply follow the below instructions which are also on the back of the cards

Plant me - Fill a pot with compost and place the paper near the top, cover with a shallow layer of compost. Tip- make sure the pot is situated in a nice sunny warm spot.

Water me - Make sure the paper is given a really good watering when it first goes into the pot and keep the compost well watered while the seeds and plants are growing.

Watch me grow - Make sure the pot stays in a nice warm sunny spot and is kept watered and it will grow into a little meadow of native wildflowers and grasses.